by default, cookie for this forum is set to it's folder (/minibb/) and I want to use it in other folders of my website... so I have made this:
file: bb_cookie.php
changed functions: 1) function setMyCookie($userName,$userPass,$userExpTime){ if($userPass!='') $userPass=writeUserPwd($userPass); setcookie($GLOBALS['cookiename'], $userName.'|'.$userPass.'|'.$userExpTime, $GLOBALS['cookieexptime']); }
2) function deleteMyCookie(){ setcookie($GLOBALS['cookiename'], '', (time()-2592000)); } I have removed directory, domain and secure (don't know what really is this "secure")... but when I log in again, cookie is again set to work just in /minibb/
So, how can I make cookie "domainwide" |