From the manual:
"In a case of registered-user-only forums, the post-topic or post-thread box with login information WILL APPEAR even if user is not logged in. User will be able to enter his login/pass to make a post. Anonymous or incorrectly logged users will be informed with "Access denied" message. In many cases, they can loose the information they typed, so please warn users of your board someway, that they must register before making any post! In the latest releases, we have defined language pack's variables for it, they are called $l_anonAllowed, and $l_anonDisallowed, and contain the text appearing near each message form, if user is not logged in."
I would like to suppress displaying the post-topic or post-thread box unless a user is logged in. In it's place I'd like to have a message "Please login to post a reply" or something similar.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Thanks for any info! Mark |