tom322those topics were generated by a robot.
Its a book site. Every book have a
page and and the page comments (click on "Comentários) are generated by its
PaulWhat kind of "item_id" have you added?book id. Like "1853251947" above.
The slow query is (got with show processlist):
SELECT topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_poster_name, topic_time, topic_status, posts_count, sticky, topic_views, topic_last_post_id
FROM forumlv_topics
WHERE forum_id = '1'
ORDER BY sticky DESC , topic_last_post_id DESC
LIMIT 100 , 50
tom322not a shared host, is it?nop! Dedicated!
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16:23:43 up 29 days, 5:37, 3 users, load average: 0.15, 0.22, 0.22