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$allowHyperlinks option doesn't work

Author jtalk
#1 · Posted: 14 Feb 2015 21:34
my current minibb forum with this addon is setup with allowHyperlinks=2
however users can still submit posts with URLs for moderation even if they have 0 or 1 posts
once i take them off of the premod list, they can submit URLs even if they do not have the 2 posts first

Author Jaime
#2 · Posted: 15 Feb 2015 12:02
jtalk, Do you have any more of the user posts in the list for moderation? And they have not previously cleared or released? There are still posts from this user ... then it is counted as posts sent from this user! Check that :)

Author jtalk
#3 · Posted: 15 Feb 2015 21:03
if the user has even 0 posts, and posts up a message with a URL in it, it will be sent for premoderation instead of being blocked.

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 16 Feb 2015 00:02
posts up a message with a URL
If the link is from the forum's domain, they can (and normally should) be sent to premoderation, unless you don't trust your own forum links ;).

Author Jaime
#5 · Posted: 16 Feb 2015 11:47
Tom, youre right :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 16 Feb 2015 13:38
Yes, if you test the URLs coming from the root domain, they will be always allowed to be posted; external URLs should be excluded from this rule, however. To make root domain URLs unavailable as well, you will need to edit bb_codes.php.

Author jtalk
#7 · Posted: 23 Feb 2015 00:09
i just posted one to amazon as a guest user and it allowed the post to be sent to moderation
i then created a test user ID, had it post a link to microsoft's website and it also went through

my english is not that great so i will try to clarify what i am doing here:
i am trying to make it so that guests and users with less than 2 posts are unable to post links.

maybe i'm over thinking this and it is not such a big deal, since it goes to moderation i can just check the links myself but i would rather they be approved users first before posting links. its really just to prevent spam bots from spamming me (the admin!)

Author Jaime
#8 · Posted: 23 Feb 2015 14:10
jtalk, Your setting in setup_options.php is exactly $allowHyperlinks=2; Then it is not possible a first-time posting can be sent with a link! You must have an error on your page!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#9 · Posted: 23 Feb 2015 15:13
Let me to clarify this:

1) Pre-moderation add-on in no way affects posting of hyperlinks. It just puts the posted messages into the queue or not. The message itself is formed much earlier the premoderation is starting to work.

2) By default, all content will be posted, but links just won't be hyperlinked. I.e. if there is posted a message containing the link to some external website, it WILL BE VISIBLE, but it WILL NOT BE HYPERLINKED - is this what do you actually experience, or you experience all links are getting hyperlinked?

3) If you want to prevent posting of links, refer to the "Anti-guest" add-on (free from the Downloads) - this add-on will actually NOT ALLOW posting the content containing some URL or even forbidden fragment from the dictionary. In the add-on, you could set up

so it does correlate with the basic option.

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 $allowHyperlinks option doesn't work
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