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Blank Page on Reply

Author vaska94
#1 | Posted: 9 Apr 2009 14:56
Hello everyone
i installed latest version of minibb &
when i post something or reply on something
i get blank screen
any ideas ?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 10 Apr 2009 03:15
It may happen because PHP produces a critical error, which you don't see because errors are turned OFF in its configuration. Setting them to E_ALL would help to determine the nature of the problem; without knowing the nature it's impossible to say what's wrong.

Author vaska94
#3 | Posted: 10 Apr 2009 12:00
i tried but same problem :-(
any ideas ?

Author vaska94
#4 | Posted: 10 Apr 2009 12:12
and i tried minibb on Vertrigo, and on server too :-(

Author vaska94
#5 | Posted: 10 Apr 2009 16:45
i don't know where was problem but i fixed it by
print "<meta http-equiv='REFRESH' content='0;url={$furl}'>";
i changed PHp redirects with simple Html redirects and now all works perfectly...

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 | Posted: 13 Apr 2009 03:49
What you did is a bit wrong, because printing only META tag without supporting <html></html> header and so on is invalid in terms of HTML.

You may check for an option $metaLocation in miniBB Forum Manual. Enable this option if you have problem with standard refreshing headers, and it will work the same way as you set it up, but only with all valid HTML.

Author vaska94
#7 | Posted: 14 Apr 2009 17:31
i know, but secund way is Refreshing With javascript and some browsers
don't support it :-)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 | Posted: 15 Apr 2009 08:11
It's not related to JavaScript at all. It's the same way like you did it, even more - you can modify every HTML detail under templates/go.html which appears in that redirection process.

It will work in ALL browsers.

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 Blank Page on Reply
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