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Chinese characters will be automatically truncated BUG

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Author Guest
#1 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:24
Hello, I was in the test minibb when found a problem in the input Chinese characters will automatically cut off.

I suspect that there is a relationship to the "post_word_maxlength" setting in "setup_options.php".

Because I set the value of "post_word_maxlength" to 10240, the Chinese content will be displayed properly, but I will destroys the page when I enter English or long URL.

When I set the value of "post_word_maxlength" to the default of 70, the English and long URL are displayed normally, but the input Chinese will automatically truncate to a maximum of 23 characters.

I am UFT8, how should this be resolved?


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:44
Sorry, I don't know the specifics of Chinese, but... does it actually mean you're entering just a very long phrase in English without spaces, and this is what it means to type in Chinese - without spaces?

I know a few boards where is used a very specific language like Persian for example, they are run in complete UTF8 and they don't have trouble you describe.

BTW what version of Chinese are you on? Simplified or Traditional?

Author ng4
#3 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:04

3.2.2, chs and cht are the same, will be automatically cut off to 32 characters, more than 32 characters of the text will not be displayed. Only "post_word_maxlength" can be changed to a very large value to show normal, but such English characters and long URL will break through the page.

Author ng4
#4 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:22
Automatic truncation of the example:

Post-published state:
Chinese chars truncation

All the content:
Chinese chars truncation

Author ng4
#5 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:32
When "post_word_maxlength" changed to 10240 later,Chinese normal, English and long URL will destroy the page:

Chinese chars truncation

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:15
So the text will be cut off completely or words split improperly?
I mean let's say you post 100 chinese characters. Then only 32 will be posted, right?
The other chars won't be visible?

We have utf8 forum here as well. Could you try to post more than 100 chars here in this thread?
Will you be able to repeat the error here?

Author ng4
#7 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:37
I mean let's say you post 100 chinese characters. Then only 32 will be posted, right?
The other chars won't be visible?
yes,completely cut off.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:39
Could you repeat the same here on this forum?

Author ng4
#9 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:40
简单之美是透着一种禅意,如天上轻盈的白云,随缘自在;如花中纯白,清新淡雅;如冬雪 初落,纯洁通透;如画中留白,给人以想象。简单,纯粹而通透,天然而不加雕琢。

用简单的心看世界,世界是澄澈的,明朗而美好;用简单的心去生活,生活是的诗意的;用 简单的心,看待人生,人生是向上的。简单的人,不悲不喜,在清浅的岁月中,拥有一段平 凡的人生,将旅途中的经历,安放在心中,用清淡的笔墨抒写自己的流年,看着走远的繁花 似锦,不言执着,坐拥一季纯白,在岁月的素笺上轻轻描摹,微笑着收藏,简单且快乐着。

人生的画卷铺开,简单便是生命的本色,自然更能贴近生活。世间路有千万条,每个人都有 不同的活法,你有清风,我有俗世,我在凡尘中看烟火,你在尘世外养静心,或浓或淡,冷 暖薄凉,能够活出自我便是灿烂,孤独是灵魂的盛放,喧嚣也是生命的累积。

将世间繁华,安放在安静处,写上平安与喜乐,慈悲与智慧,与光阴对话,寻找生活真意, 心怀明亮和温暖,一个人是诗,两个人是画,经历的所有都会成为沿途的风景,生命中的一 切都无需拒绝,微笑着面对。

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#10 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:42
So does it work here?..

Author ng4
#11 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:45
So does it work here?..
Well... Just here test no problem.
When I was doing a local test, the probability of the problem was 90%

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#12 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:49
When I was doing a local test, the probability of the problem was 90%
Do you mean your local server?

What kind of add-ons have you installed? May be some of the add-on causing this on your server.

If it works here, I could say it is not the problem of the $post_word_maxlength setting and it's not in the basic miniBB package.

Author ng4
#13 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 15:56
I also tested the basic miniBB package, will have the same problem.
Maybe it has something to do with my local test environment,
I'll try it on the server.
Thank you Paul.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#14 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 17:31
It may depend on various factors... for example, the web server.
BTW what is your server in the local environment? Apache?

Author ng4
#15 · Posted: 22 Apr 2017 17:54
It may depend on various factors... for example, the web server.
BTW what is your server in the local environment? Apache?
Apache and Nginx have tried, the same problem will arise.

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 Chinese characters will be automatically truncated BUG
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