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Help with Layout

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 14 Feb 2007 03:41
Gday from Australia. and thanks to the guys at MiniBBS for providing this forum... It is the only one I have found so far that fits my needs..
Couple questions if I may
1) Unfortunately I have to use MiniBBS inside an inline frame ( I have embeded it inside a CubCart Document). I need to be able to Change the width of the forum.. I have changed some of the settings in the CCS to suit however when you go into the POst new Mesage it is stil to large for the frame and you have to scroll left-Right
What file do I need to edit to change this and all to 400px or 100%

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 14 Feb 2007 16:25
G'day Anon,
Can you post a link to your forums?
Table widths are set in the style sheet.
All the best -

Author Juergen
#3 · Posted: 25 Dec 2007 12:57
I have a similar problem too! I reduced the size (width) of the forum to 480px to fit it in my website.
I don`t use frames!
Unfortunately the table with the latest news is much longer than the other tables.
You can take a look at
It seems to be impossible to change the length in the CSS, so I have tried to write the CSS commands directly into the HTML of main_last_discussions.html and main_last_discuss_cell.html, but it doesn`t work.
All the other tables are of correct size.
I don`t find a working possibility so I hope someone can tell me a solution.

Author Juergen
#4 · Posted: 25 Dec 2007 14:24
The problem is no longer actual. I have increased the width up to 500px and changed some parameters (padding).
I guess the problem is that it is not possible to reduce the width under a certain length, in this case approx. 500px.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 04:03
The width of the 500 px is VERY small actually. Whatever long topic title your users post or long username register (even not very long... just more symbols than usually) it will break the page. We always recommend to make the layout of forums as wide as possible, leaving only very important navigation elements of your web site... your community appears to be a dynamic section and it should have enough "breathing"...

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 Help with Layout
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