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Hide or delete post/replay/topic : reason bad language, lies,... & strike for user -> block user

Author matej
#1 · Posted: 3 Sep 2018 17:02

I looked at addons but I could't find the proper answer.

Is there an addon to allow admin to admin post/replay/topic and hide/delete it?

bad language, lies, insults...

Can admin make strikes to the user and send it to Black list/ strike one/two/tree then blocking user for commenting on forum
or deleting user from forum?

All previous posts of the user should be signed as "blocked user" becouse of strikes.

I also look for solution that admin can "hide" words or sentence from post (like black strip over the text or something)
Something like that could be like "strike" for user.

Is kind of solution available ?
Is some answer in Multiple Topics Action or somewhere else?

Thank you for your answer.
Regards, Matej

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 3 Sep 2018 17:41
Admin could reply or make new topic similarly to other users. There is no different scenario for admin in this case.

You cannot hide messages in miniBB, only delete them or move to another topic, which could be in a hidden or public forum. Manual describes how to make forums hidden from public. When admin is logged in, Delete link appears near each post; the same about Move link (but you have to install the add-on for moving posts, it is not included by default.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 3 Sep 2018 17:50
Black lists and strikes are not available in miniBB. However you can block (make account inactive), ban user by IP or user ID, and delete an account. This all is described in Manual. Check:

How to remove/delete account (on the same page you could also Block an account w/o deleting it)

How to ban an IP address or user ID

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 3 Sep 2018 17:54
All previous posts of the user should be signed as "blocked user" becouse of strikes.
Something like this is not available by default, but could be coded as a custom add-on, if you need it badly. Contact our Premium support.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#5 · Posted: 3 Sep 2018 17:58
I also look for solution that admin can "hide" words or sentence from post (like black strip over the text or something)
"Bad" words filter add-on could do this job; also the Anti-guest add-on worth checking, it also works with a prohibited list of keywords. Both available from Downloads.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 3 Sep 2018 17:59
Is some answer in Multiple Topics Action or somewhere else?
This add-on is only about bulk deletion or bulk moving of topics to another forum. Nothing else about it.

P.S. Sorry for my multiple-posts reply. I was posting it while being in a train with my smartphone and was afraid this weak wi-fi signal couldn't handle posting an essay-at-once :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#7 · Posted: 3 Sep 2018 18:07
I've also thought that if you have a problem with a certain account, you could also purchase/install a Premoderation add-on and suspend all posts from this account before they go live.

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 Hide or delete post/replay/topic : reason bad language, lies,... & strike for user -> block user
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