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Integrating miniBB with other systems - IMS-LTI anyone?

Author topps
#1 · Posted: 19 Jun 2013 18:32
Is anyone looking at or had any success in using the relatively new IMS-LTI spec ( search on IMS Global for info - sorry, new user so this BB software prohibits URL insertion) Learning Tools Interoperability for integrating miniBB with other learning tools such as an LMS?

We are currently redesigning OpenLabyrinth ( http, a virtual patient authoring system. All open source etc. We would like to be able to connect to/from our cases and a discussion forum, so that users can discuss the cases. Something that miniBB would be ideal for, if it is only our site that we have to consider.

But OpenLabyrinth is being installed at many centres around the world. Some will already have discussion forum and LMS software in place, so we are building in IMS-LTI connectivity to OpenLabyrinth to make it easier for groups to integrate OLab with their existing systems.

Many sites, however, are pretty small and don't have existing discussion software, which again makes connecting to miniBB attractive. It strikes me that it would make sense to try and do this via LTI in some way to provide most flexibility for all.

Hence my question about IMS-LTI and miniBB: are there any plans to make it into an IMS-LTI Provider service? Or has anyone had any success in tweaking their local installation of miniBB to make it work with other IMS-LTI compliant resources such as Moodle?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 20 Jun 2013 10:34
First of all,
this BB software prohibits URL insertion
- this software prohibits URLs for new accounts and guests only. As soon as you are gaining the "trusted poster" status (it happens automatically after X amount of posts), hyperlinks are being posted.

Anyway, now closer to your question:

are there any plans to make it into an IMS-LTI Provider service?
- sorry - we don't have such plans. I'm hearing about your software for the first time in my life, and it's not even theoretically possible to provide free solutions for each and every software which may use miniBB.

If you would like to sponsor the solution for miniBB, which would allow to integrate it into your system's membership, you may refer to our Premium Support.

You have lots of Titles in your message, so I'm not sure I understood what exactly needs to be integrated; but anyway, if you check the integration solution for miniBB, you will see it doesn't matter how the software is called, the most important is to know how it authorizes the user and works with cookies or sessions. If these conditions are known, miniBB could be integrated into mostly every mySQL-based software.

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 Integrating miniBB with other systems - IMS-LTI anyone?
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