Hi everybody,
I'm trying to integrate MiniBB on a site that use the TinyButStrong template engine.
Whith TBS, I can do something like that :
<?php include_once('tbs_class.php') ; $test = 'test.php' ; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong ; $TBS->LoadTemplate('tbs_fr_exemples_script.htm') ; $TBS->Show() ; ?>
<table> <tr> <td>[var.test;script=[val];subtpl]</td> </tr> </table>
<?php echo 'This text is displayed by an external script.' ; ?>
So, if I replace $test = 'test.php' by '../miniBB/index.php' I can display miniBB home page well integrated in my template engine.
If I replace it by '../miniBB/index.php?action=registernew' I can display miniBB registration page. The same for almost all the pages (I haven't tested all of them...)
But, if I replace it by '../miniBB/index.php?action=vtopic&forum=1', MiniBB always say me the forum does'nt exist (it's not true, I got 3 forums filled with many messages). The same with '../miniBB/index.php?action=vthread&forum=1&topic=1'.
Can you help me ?
Regards... |