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Issues with Hyperlinks

Author Pari
#1 · Posted: 9 Jul 2013 01:51
This issue just started a couple of weeks ago. I had a members point it out to me. My forum is for members only. When they try to post links they get this error message:

"Anti-spam protection

Because of spamming issues, you are not allowed to post outgoing links, URLs or email addresses. This rule is applied to all guests, and registered members, who has posted less than 10 messages."

I have checked and the $allowHyperlinks in setup_options file is set to 0. As I said this just started happening. I don't know if this would have anything to do with it but about a couple of weeks ago I attempted (after years of trying) to once again try to integrate the forums login with my main site's login (a big fail again). Could that possibly be what's wrong that I mucked something up in the cookie file?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 9 Jul 2013 11:19
As I said this just started happening.
Nothing could "just start happening" specially in IT world. Everything has its reason here...

Could that possibly be what's wrong that I mucked something up in the cookie file?
Surely it could be possible, if you modify scripts without obvious understanding what will happen.

The notice you mention, is not related to $allowHyperlinks option at all. It comes from the Anti-Guest add-on which you obviously have installed, if you're seeing this. Try to modify options of this add-on or completely uninstall it.

Author Pari
#3 · Posted: 9 Jul 2013 14:15
Dear Paul first I need to say that you sir have a very condescending tone in your reply which put me off greatly. So much so I probably won't return seeking any kind of assistance here. Maybe it's because I'm an ole southern gal that makes me so sensitve to being courteous or maybe it was just the way I was raised, but I don't think your tone was called for. Nor was it at all appreciated.

1. It 'did' just start happening, meaning two weeks prior everything was working fine, now it's not. I am not at all saying that there was no reason behind it, of course there was that is why I am here trying to find 'help'.

2. I was trying to modify the cookie according to the instruction provided here. So I can use the log in on my main website to also access the forum. I most definitely 'did not understand' it. But maybe, just maybe the instruction are not all that clear to some of us who wish to try to modify yourselves, instead of paying you lot by the hour to do it.

3. I posted about the $allowHyperlinks because I thought the 10 posting requirements was set by that. So I was wrong I guess the issue is 'obviously' coming from the Anti-Guest add-on.

Your last two sentences were very helpful, thank you

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 9 Jul 2013 15:07
1. The reason is Anti-Guest add-on. These statements come from it.

2. Implementing concatenated membership is the task for experienced coders. If you're not experienced, you have two ways: 1) learn on your own; 2) hire professionals.

3. Here's how to find where to edit this and that.

P.S. Try to give your questions in a proprietary form, as we require in rules. There's nothing personal - sorry if it seemed so to you.

Author Taboi
#5 · Posted: 21 Aug 2024 01:59
I think he meant that it started suddenly without any preconditions. It's really weird though

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 Issues with Hyperlinks
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