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I've just download Minibb2 and...

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Author bis_senchi
#1 · Posted: 9 Dec 2007 11:34
Hello ! I've just download Minibb2 and I already have a problem. When I try
to see Minibb2 with easyphp it says "Database/configuration error"

When I open index.php, I can see code on it.
I'm new so I have no knowledge about Minibb. Could somoene help me and tell me where the problem could come from?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Author maxtat
#2 · Posted: 9 Dec 2007 13:37
did you try to read readme file? start with setting options in a config file and creat a database.

Author bis_senchi
#3 · Posted: 10 Dec 2007 01:17
After reading the readme file it appears that the problem is that I don't have any mysql log and password.

I'm using EasyPhp to make the tests but I don't have any database online.
How I am suppose to create one? And most important where am I supposed to host it online?

Author Karel II
#4 · Posted: 10 Dec 2007 06:04
Please be sure to read first.

(Since EasyPHP includes MySQL database, it should be installed and running on your local computer, if it is not, check your EasyPHP documentation.)

Author bis_senchi
#5 · Posted: 12 Dec 2007 00:41
Karel II wrote "EasyPHP includes MySQL database"

Yes it's true! I've already created a database for my PhpBB forum. Could somoene tell me where to find tutorials for beginners (Tutorials that explain
how to install MiniBB on your hardrive and how to set up the database.

That's exactly what I'm searching for.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 12 Dec 2007 04:55
Read manual.

On we are not providing any kind of information of how to set up the database. In all cases it is up to you server provider and it's a custom subject.

And... miniBB is not for installing it on your hard drive. It's a server application.

Author bis_senchi
#7 · Posted: 16 Dec 2007 02:55
I've read the manual and it is said that we need to give minibb a log and a password for the database (mysql). The trouble is that when I create it with easyphp.exe I didn't get any of those 2.

Does somebody know how I could get a valid log and pass for Minibb's database? (May be it means that we need to create one online...)

Thank you in advance for your help!

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#8 · Posted: 16 Dec 2007 03:10
From the Frequently Asked Questions section of the official EasyPHP site:
6 - What are the: name of the server, the user name, the database name and the password for accessing mySQL capabilities?
"localhost", "root" and ""

All the best -

Author bis_senchi
#9 · Posted: 19 Dec 2007 00:37
Ok! User name, database name and password are now ok! The only problem that left are the admin log and the admin pass. It appears that I have to create new tables on the Mysql's database. What kind of fields should I add in the table? varchar tinyint... What should be better?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 19 Dec 2007 03:40
It would be better if you follow miniBB installation manual without wasting others time...

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#11 · Posted: 19 Dec 2007 03:50
The miniBB Manual is your friend: "... Run from your browser the _install.php file, it will create all [database] tables according to their names in setup_options.php and insert all necessary values."

Follow the steps in the miniBB Manual.

All best -

Author bis_senchi
#12 · Posted: 21 Dec 2007 00:57
Well I'm deeply sorry for bothering you but as I've said in my previous messages it's the first time I create a database and use a customizable programm like Minibb2

I didn't think that this place was only for asking technical questions and that you were so afraid of flooding that new users were not welcomed.

Anyway I have a question about uploading minibb's file on the net. I intend to upload the files using cute ftp. Do you think that cute ftp is a "quality FTP manager" ?

Sorry once more for bothering everybody

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 21 Dec 2007 02:22
From the same manual it follows the main purpose is that you should store all files as their are originally, not broken or binary-converted. I don't know how CuteFTP works but many times I've met problems with it. However if it works for you, that's ok.

What if every minute I would come to you and ask "what the time is"? Would it be polite? Or after 4th or 5th attempt you would lose your patience and say "hey dude, why would you simply use watch?.."

New users are more than welcome; however it doesn't mean we should repeat for everybody what's already described. Providing such questions you are simply not respecting the miniBB developers and yourself, please keep in mind we have thousands of newbie users around and answering each of you finally would stop the project at all.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#14 · Posted: 21 Dec 2007 15:04
bis_senchi, when uploading files, make sure to upload the images (.gif files) in binary format, and the rest in ASCII format.
All the best -

Author lime
#15 · Posted: 22 Dec 2007 12:25

If you're still having any problems, feel free to e-mail me, as_ziggy at yahoo

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