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l_usrInfo[] & manual translation

Author Felix
#1 | Posted: 17 Mar 2006 19:22Reply Quote  
I'm using minibb since a few months, got a problem while trying to move database, but it's going to be fixed thanks to your support;

Now, i've 2 questions:

1- My forum is being displayed into eng,fre and ger; I found very usefull language packs on this site, but no translations for manual: does someone have thoose translations (fre and ger) ?

2- I tried to build avatar plugin and gender-solution into the software; everything is working well exept the userinfo function: $l_usrInfo[14] is not displayed when you request the user info page. I thought it was because of a jumping from [12] to [14], but with $l_usrInfo[13] set, it doesn't work too. Any Idea ?

Thanks for help !


Author Team
#2 | Posted: 18 Mar 2006 17:11Reply Quote  
We ourselves don't have any manuals except English. In general, miniBB manual is not what you should use on the forums. You should provide instructions for your users individually for your forums.

Language settings depends really on what custom field for avatar you use. $l_usrInfo[12] is for user_custom1 and so on.

Author Felix
#3 | Posted: 21 Mar 2006 20:03Reply Quote  
OK: works fine now.

If I understood all right:

$l_usrInfo[12] is for user_custom1
$l_usrInfo[14] is for user_custom3

What about user_custom2 ? $l_usrInfo[13] ?
And what about user_customX - $l_usrInfo[Y] ?

Author Team
#4 | Posted: 22 Mar 2006 09:34Reply Quote  
What about user_custom2 ? $l_usrInfo[13] ?
Yes... is it not working?

And what about user_customX - $l_usrInfo[Y] ?
That doesn't depend on the number of custom field, but on it's order. We are having reserve of $l_usrInfo[11] for obligate field (number of posts); further if you define any amount of any named custom fields for the profile, starting number is 12.

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 l_usrInfo[] & manual translation
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