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login problems

Author jerome
#1 · Posted: 22 May 2007 11:59

miniBB is exactly the forum where i was looking for, but now i have a little problem. I have installed this forum on my local server with PHP 5. It worked perfect there. Now i have uploaded it to my webserver where PHP 4 is used. Now the forum doesn't work like it should do. The problem is that users can't login to the forums but after they tried to login their username appears in the Username box. However the admin has no problems with logging in to the forums. He can login and post a message. But the users can't do or post anything. Does anyone has an idea why i am experiencing this problems? and is this a problem between PHP 4 and 5 or should i look in another direction? Thanks in advance.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 22 May 2007 12:47
So far I could say miniBB should work perfectly with PHP4.

If the username appears in the box and you don't get the warning about invalid login, this only could mean the username doesn't exist in the database and the user still remains anonymous.

We still have PHP 4.4.6 on minibbtest so if you are able to login here - the problem is on your side and requires our paid investigation only...

Author YuhuCZ
#3 · Posted: 8 Sep 2007 22:31

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 login problems
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