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Make All boxes in User Registration *Required

Author Steve Shaw
#1 | Posted: 29 Jan 2013 12:09
I've had a look, but can't work out how to make all user 'Sign-up entries' *required???

Our forum is very specific, and making users add company name and website will help filter out users that are not really valid.

Is this possible?


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 29 Jan 2013 18:17
Answering your question - yes, it's possible. There are at least two ways of doing it more properly.

The simplest one is to give verification routine to JavaScript. You can create a function which will verify all fields before the form is being submitted. But this is only client-side-related solution; still, it will cover 95% of cases.

If you would like to perform a "hard" routine on checking fields in the PHP code, there are also two ways of doing that:

- Modify bb_func_checkusr.php and apply some custom modifications adding new fields and values to provide new custom errors (you must know a bit of miniBB working principle to do it properly) - this will exclude this script from the easy updates though;

- Modify bb_plugins_user.php and add some new codes to handle all related fields and values at the non-destructive level - this will allow to keep easy upgrades in the future.

Since your task is customized and I don't have an idea what kind of fields you have on form, I can't recommend more. Also, if you need exact codes, you may refer to our private/paid customers support for that.

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 Make All boxes in User Registration *Required
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