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minibb on localhost with Mamp

Author François
#1 · Posted: 15 Mar 2015 14:02
Woud it be possible to test the soft minibb on localhost with Mamp. I' ve installed on MAMP, it's ok : install.php, instal_database.
To carry on the installation I have to register a registration code on
J'ai fait les traductions en français du fichier eng.php
After the test, I wish to transfer it on my website.
Did I should redo the whole installation ?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 · Posted: 15 Mar 2015 14:05
Woud it be possible to test the soft minibb on localhost with Mamp
I never tried that, but I'm mostly sure it could be possible, if it's about Apache/mySQL/PHP.

To carry on the installation I have to register a registration code on
Not sure what do you mean. You don't have to register any codes on miniBB website to test the installation or even run the live forum. It's yours for free with no registrations or extra deals.

Did I should redo the whole installation ?
You could configure and test it on localhost even with the pre-filled database.

Then, you only should transfer the database to your new hosting, transfer all files, changes all necessary permissions, and configure miniBB to run with the new database and the domain. You don't have to re-install it, just transfer it properly.

Author Fyrag
#3 · Posted: 21 Mar 2015 09:02

Thanks for your answers. I am an amateur in PHP coding.
I installed miniBB. It's ok ! and exactly that I needed : an clean application.

I still have a bug on the back of the password by email at registration. When we registered, we did not return a password by email.
Do I need to change something in bb_func_sendpwd.php, ou others files ?

For begin I created my administrator codes directly into mysql. The time to create my subjects.

and Bonjour de Paris.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 21 Mar 2015 11:51

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 minibb on localhost with Mamp
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