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Multiple Skins

Author Prince
#1 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 17:13

I wanted to add 2 different skins for my forums! for example for general forums: $skin='general'; and for other forums: $skin='other';

I tried setting this in plugins:
if(isset($General) and in_array($forum,$General)) $skin='general'; else $skin='other';
My question is how to set $skin='general'; or $skin='other'; in setup_options to get this works?


Author tom322
Active Member
#2 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 18:22
Probably a way to do it is to change 'bb_default_style.css' in the header file to something like {$CSSstyle} and then in bb_plugins.php (or in setup_options.php):

if(isset($General) and in_array($forum,$General)) $CSSstyle='bb_default_style.css'; else $CSSstyle='bb_other_style.css';
of course you must create bb_other_style.css.


But maybe there's even a simpler way, you should wait for Paul then ;).

Author Prince
#3 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 19:51
Yes I did it that way and it worked but I thought maybe it needed to do something in setup_options for $skin!

But maybe there's even a simpler way, you should wait for Paul then ;).
Yeah.. Of course!

Thanks Tom :)

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 21:36
I checked the setup file and I think you can put it in the setup file (instead of: $skin='default';):

if(isset($General) and in_array($forum,$General)) $skin='default'; else $skin='other';
And then just make sure bb_other_style.css exists. It should work?

Author Prince
#5 | Posted: 24 Jul 2012 23:37
And then just make sure bb_other_style.css exists. It should work?
Yeah it works (before I commented //$skin in setup_options and wanted to use it in plugins).

Using it like this now:

if(isset($General) and in_array($forum,$General)) $skin='other'; //else $skin='default';
and in setup_options it's: $skin='default';

It works now!!! :)


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 Multiple Skins
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