What kuopassa suggested above, is the most proper solution for you. Still, you would need to clarify, if you want to set up a different background for a specific
forum, or for a specific
topic. When we are now, is a
topic. Forum is
here, for example.
In any case, in
bb_plugins.php you could code a different body CSS for either forum or topic. Use $topic or $forum vars for this. In the below code, I'm coding this for a specific forum with id=1. Here's
how to determine the forum ID.
$specific_body_css=' classname';
Then you shall put something like in main_header.html:
<body class="gbody{$specific_body_css}">
In CSS file, specify
.classname in the way you want.
In the same way you could set any specific HTML for audio files etc. For example:
Your HTML code here
Then paste
{$specific_html} in any template you want.