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not updating viewed Posts correctly

Author joesp
#1 · Posted: 10 Jun 2007 06:14
I am wondering why it isn't working.

setup_options.php has


and the code in bb_func_vthread.php which looks like

if($page==0 and isset($enableViews) and $enableViews) updateArray(array('topic_views'),$Tt,'topic_id',$topic);

the "if" is returning false.
This code works:

if($page==0 ) updateArray(array('topic_views'),$Tt,'topic_id',$topic);

I can't figure out why the code is failing.

it's academic, but please help me....

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 11 Jun 2007 04:08
Be sure this setting is not commented.

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 not updating viewed Posts correctly
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