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"Post Topic" button doesn't work in new forum

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 1 Aug 2008 13:50

ich have just set up a new forum here dgf-forum dot freehostia dot com

I have created a forum and now I wanted to post in it but the "Post Topic" button doesn't work for me. When I click the button nothing happens.

I am wondering what is wrong with the forum.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 1 Aug 2008 13:58
First of all, $main_url setting of your options file should not have slash at the end. Read manual first how to install the board properly.

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 1 Aug 2008 17:24
Thanks Paul. Actually I have tried to read the installation instructions carefully but somehow I must have overlooked the part about the slash. It turned out that the post topic button didn't work because I had my permissions set wrong.

After I have looked for the needed file permissions in the manual without luck I tried the miniBB support forum and found a topic where you suggest that setting all permissions to 744 should be fine if you are not using add-ons. This is how I have set all my files and folders but appart from the "Post topic" button not working I noticed that images were not displayed either. So I set my folders (folders only, not the files) to 755 and now everything seems to work correctly. IMO it would be a very helpful thing to mention the needed file permissions in the manual.

I have also described my problem and solution in the mentioned and linked thread.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 | Posted: 5 Aug 2008 03:28
IMO it would be a very helpful thing to mention the needed file permissions in the manual.
In the aforementioned thread I wrote already that a good hosting has automated configuration which is suitable for miniBB. In my practice I never met a case when miniBB needed something specific to set up on folder permissions, except for shared files and other cases when it's necessary to allow script to write.

So it could appear something specific on your side, I don't know...

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 "Post Topic" button doesn't work in new forum
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