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Posting code iframe error

Author Bluesplayer
#1 | Posted: 4 Feb 2014 14:22
On entering code into a post parts of it are running - the iframe part, yet it doesn't run on this forum. Either I have removed something or I should add something?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 4 Feb 2014 14:41
Sorry, didnt get it - what kind of code do you mean?

On this forum, only those codes on the BB buttons visible above are available.

Author Bluesplayer
#3 | Posted: 4 Feb 2014 15:18
Well I attempted to describe the YouTube Video Search on my own forum, posting all the different file alterations as I did on this forum. When I added the bb_code new youtube iframe code to the post my own forum displayed the iframe itself, which didn't happen on this forum.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 | Posted: 4 Feb 2014 18:21
Not sure why our forum should display your solution? At first, we do not even have the exact solution present by this moment. Second, even if we would have, I will not install it here. We do not need videos embedded for the miniBB support board.

Author Bluesplayer
#5 | Posted: 4 Feb 2014 18:56
Not sure why our forum should display your solution? At first, we do not even have the exact solution present by this moment. Second, even if we would have, I will not install it here. We do not need videos embedded for the miniBB support board.
We are cross purposes here I think. This isn't an enhancement I'm talking about but a fault with my own board. I was just wondering where to look for the fault. Anyway I can live with it at present.


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 | Posted: 5 Feb 2014 13:20
Sorry for misunderstanding, sometimes questions are so simple that I could make them too difficult :)

So, it sounds logical to me. You have applied some of the code which supports iframe tag, to your board. We do not have anything iframes-related on this board. That is why, on your board the code converts to the iframe, on our not.

In this case, I can not be responsible for your code. It seems like we are coming again to the task which I need to handle on my own for free and analyze what is wrong, but I do not have time for this now, sorry. This is your idea, your solution and actually it is about the 3rd party code which I can not support. This solution may be still interesting for other users, but you need to have a stable, clearly instructed and secure solution, else who would be intrested in it...

Author Bluesplayer
#7 | Posted: 5 Feb 2014 20:37
I realise what this problem is now. The alterations to bb_code.php - the iframe match - was exactly as I posted in my explanation of my YouTube Video Search code, and that is why the iframe was being displayed. This won't be a problem in the future as only an exact bb_code.php match will cause concern.

Must admit I have learned a huge amount about bbcode whilst figuring out my video search code. I think I can quite happily create new minibb features now without going mental and also with acceptable code too.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 | Posted: 7 Feb 2014 16:51
Great, you are welcome :)

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 Posting code iframe error
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