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Author Prince
#1 · Posted: 9 Aug 2012 19:39

Almost 8000 users registered in this month in my forum and all of them are in pre-moderation list, is that any way to set it for new users but not with that huge lists? It's very large to load that setting page.. is there any configuration just for removing by entering the ID?

Or a way I emailed before for users sent less than a few posts like 20 or 30 posts in forum? and again by entering ID could remove them from that list?


Author kuopassa
#2 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 05:22
Oh wow, Prince, you must have a huge forum. I wonder how miniBB can handle that amount of stuff going on.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:05
You may think carefully about installing the add-ons and how they work.
Most likely Pre-moderation add-on needs instant control.
You need to check it at least once in a day to not allow such list to grow.
I think, it's a problem of moderation itself, not the Pre-moderation add-on :)

Under shared_files/premoder_data.php there is an array called $preModUsers - you can just empty it manually and re-save the file for such case.

Or a way I emailed before for users sent less than a few posts like 20 or 30 posts in forum? and again by entering ID could remove them from that list?
Sorry, it was not clear what do you mean with that. When users have made 20 posts on forum, it's not clear for me why they would need kind of pre-moderation later, when the unwanted thing possibly happened already.

Author Prince
#4 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:32
Under shared_files/premoder_data.php there is an array called $preModUsers - you can just empty it manually and re-save the file for such case.
If they didn't send post yet and I just empty the list and they would again send spam or whatever.. so can't empty the list.. we're checking pending-msgs every day!

I meant that if there was a way to set it just for new users and some users entering their IDs which is available now but without that huge list.

When a user register it would be active for him without putting them one by one in that list and it wouldn't be for active users.. that's why I mentioned for example if users have more than 50 posts so it doesn't apply for them and just for new users and who has less than 50 posts.

Author Prince
#5 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:41
Oh wow, Prince, you must have a huge forum. I wonder how miniBB can handle that amount of stuff going on.
Yeah it is.. that's why some add-on programmed for mini forums.. and it needs different ways or method for huge forums :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:43
I don't get it, sorry. This add-on is for preventing "illegal" posts or spam initially. In most cases, users register to create a spam message once and then do not post anything else. If a user has made more than 20 or 30 posts, what is the sense to keep him in pre-moderation? He already made what he wanted.

Author Prince
#7 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:47
users register to create a spam message once and then do not post anything else.
I understand that.. but you have no idea about my crazy users :) they make a lot of IDs just for making spam or illegal posts! that's why I'm looking for something to control them.. and users who send 2-3 good posts then I remove them from the list!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 13:46
they make a lot of IDs just for making spam or illegal posts!
I would recommend to fight the problem in its root then... you may think about the registration process itself. How to allow it from the other end. May be by invitation. May be something else. With opened registrations, no add-ons will help you if such thing happens.

Author Prince
#9 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 16:38
With opened registrations, no add-ons will help you if such thing happens.
Yeah.. but the problem is it's a large forum.. if it was small could control it!

Couldn't you make it custom and develop such thing I mentioned? whenever you get free time so we can talk more about it.

Sometimes large forums are hard to control :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#10 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 18:35
but the problem is it's a large forum
Well, our software is called "mini"... it's basically for a small-to-medium forum. I'm not guilty that it could handle large forums as well :)

I can develop mostly everything, but I must be sure about the thing I develop. As I've mentioned, the problem should be solved in its root. The Premoderation add-on, obviously, seems just not for your forum (and I'm sorry for that).

To develop something which would help you, I could suggest what I mentioned above. Having opened registrations for the massively spammed forum, you will never get out of this problem, if you don't have resources to moderate such amount of users.

All the customers I know, solved this problem some other way. Some of them introduced paid membership. Some introduced invitations. Some forbidden public email domains for registrations. It all depends on what kind of spammers you get, what they do etc. I have simply no ideas about what's happening on your forum. But there are quite a lot of ways to solve it. Please consider them more carefully, and only then refer to my private support. Thanks.

Author tom322
Active Member
#11 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 19:14
Can you post some IPs? Most likely they use VPN or other solution. If I know an IP I should tell if that's the case and give you a link to block all these IPs (assuming they are from this source).

Author Prince
#12 · Posted: 11 Aug 2012 12:50
Some of them introduced paid membership. Some introduced invitations. Some forbidden public email domains for registrations. It all depends on what kind of spammers you get, what they do etc.
Thanks I will look more into it. :)

Can you post some IPs? Most likely they use VPN or other solution. If I know an IP I should tell if that's the case and give you a link to block all these IPs (assuming they are from this source).
Yeah it is VPN they are using.. I did block them but they change their IPs.. nowadays changing IP is so easy for them! :)

Like this one: 65.255.37.***

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#13 · Posted: 13 Aug 2012 14:39
Again, it means constant moderation, as new IP ranges may come every day... and some day, you block even a "valid" user by the IP which is assigned to him :) Like I mentioned above, the solution must come from the other end...

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