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Private Message Tool menu bug

Author jogi284
#1 | Posted: 23 Nov 2008 08:07
Hi, in the private message AddOn there seemed to be bugs in the menue:
+ When I am logged in and change to the profil menue, the status of the Mailbox is incorrect. E.G. normal is:
NEW: 1 Private Message [0],

and this function in all other menues, but not in profile, there it is like
Private Message [0]

+ The Logged-In like "Logged in as jlkjljl >>> logg out" didn't function in the normal way.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 24 Nov 2008 03:51
If you can repeat the same on miniBB Demo, we could consider it as a bug; in general, it looks like your own mistake in the installation, and related to some of your custom error. Without exactly seeing your forums URL and without knowing your order number, we can't help you in more, sorry.

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 Private Message Tool menu bug
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