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Problem with integration

Author phalancs
#1 | Posted: 26 Apr 2012 00:41
I thought miniBB would be the perfect script to integrate into my existing website. I installed it and even coded the user bridge to use my own authentification. Everything so far was good.

Anyways, integration in ones own script is a pain in the arse...

Even after all the reading in the manual and forum, it seems there is no complete info about how to integrate the forum into a php script and I dont mean that mini script from the manual. Any way of integration causes loads of errors concerning paths. Even if I customize them in the setup_options.php it does not work properly cause it seems that there are far more definitions of false paths than you can correct in the setup_options.php file.

For instance: what about the $clonePath it always defaults to "./" but if you dont hardcode it within the index.php file paths will go apeshit!
And if I dont hardcode the correct path in the "bb_functions.php" it does not work either.

Even then the index page is properly rendered into my layout, but it fails again if I click a link.
Yes, there are many old pictures in the gallery showing integrated sites, but I fear that most of them just have a custom header and a footer added. What i want is "real" integration. And I fear this is another story.

I am disappointed.

Author Jaime
#2 | Posted: 26 Apr 2012 10:29
Yes, there are many old pictures in the gallery showing integrated sites,
My picture is there already old .. but miniBB works ... and works :)

Unfortunately, my English is too bad to be able to order you some real good tips. But since I've done so, you'll do it too! And I have all the relevant information was found here in the forum!

Read it again here or here for more help. Good luck!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 | Posted: 26 Apr 2012 11:02
What i want is "real" integration
What do you think is a "real" integration? I didn't get it from your posting.
Actually, I didn't get the point what your posting or question is about.

Did you come here just to say you are disappointed, because you don't know how to work the script out?..

I'm actually disappointed, too, to waste my time on reading such messages. Sorry.

P.S. $clonePath is not hardcoded, nor any other path or URL is hardcoded. If you would be more professional you would pay attention it can be re-defined in the script, which includes miniBB's index.

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 Problem with integration
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