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problem with preview add-on

Author ragsna
#1 · Posted: 3 Feb 2008 05:50
Hi there,

I have a problem with the preview addon.
The preview window does not open in a blank window.
There is the layout from the "Main" Forum window inside.
Normally I would like to have a blank, white background only in the preview window, just like here tested.

Any suggestions ?

Tnx and regards

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 3 Feb 2008 20:37
ragsna wrote: The preview window does not open in a blank window.

That is odd; I am using v.2.0.1 of the plug-in, and the preview window opens in its own separate window for me.

ragsna wrote: There is the layout from the "Main" Forum window inside. Normally I would like to have a blank, white background only in the preview window, just like here tested.

Option 1 - the quick and dirty way:
Open the template file for the plug-in (i.e. addon_preview2.html located in your miniBB's templates directory) in a plain text editor, change <body class="gbody"> to <body>, save and then upload the updated file.

Option 2:
Edit your forum's stylesheet and either update .gbody or create a new class just for the preview window.

All best -

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 4 Feb 2008 04:24
There is the layout from the "Main" Forum window inside
- what do you mean? Are your forums running in iframe?

Then you would need to modify JS functions of this add-on... I can't give the precise answer because this is a custom question related only to your site.

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 problem with preview add-on
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