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Script Looking for wrong folder

Author Malefingers
#1 · Posted: 31 Jan 2008 17:58
I'm more than likely Posting in the wrong Place. I set up my Forum and everything seemed to be OK. I set my files up in a directory called "Minibb" but some place in the script the folder got named "Forum" so now whenever I attemp to go to the admin and other pages the script looks for a folder called "Forum" and it cannot find the file(s) In my Browser and it has "/forum/admin" and the script should be looking for "/minibb/admin" I've looked and looked but cannot find in the script where "/forum/" is being referred, Can someone help Me? Everything else seem to be working fine!!

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 1 Feb 2008 02:24
Open up your miniBB's setup_options.php file and check what you have set for $pathToFiles.
N.B.: $pathToFiles and $main_url are not the same thing.
All the best -

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 Script Looking for wrong folder
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