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Search link is wrong when searching by member name?

Author hokic
#1 · Posted: 28 Feb 2008 09:11

I got a problem with search link. My forum is here : (for searching use Hledat)

When I try for example search for posts of user "Jerry Krop" (Jméno zasilatele), the posts are listened in the right way, but links are wrong, such as this : and so on..

But all his posts are in the topic "1 SK Bivoj - veobecná diskuse " on the first pages, so the links should be something like :

A heave been moving some topics pretty long time ago ... should that be the reason for this problem?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 28 Feb 2008 11:08
In search results like you provided "page" variable doesn't really means the relocation page. When it's passed to the search script, it means the post ID, and only when you click on the search results link, the script calculates the topic's page where to go and forwards you straight to the message user has been posted. This is done that way, because calculating the proper page via the search process stands to impossible if we want to achieve the fast speed.

You can check on our forums for example searching by my name and see what it means.

I see on your forums it doesn't work properly, but I'm not sure why is that. Try to upgrade your miniBB to the newest release or at least the file bb_func_search.php.

Author hokic
#3 · Posted: 29 Feb 2008 04:04
I have tried to use the bb_func_search.php but unfortunately it did't help. Thanks anyway - we're going to make some major changes on our page during summer (at least I hope to find a time for it) so i consider to upgrade complete forum.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 29 Feb 2008 08:01
I am not sure the complete upgrade will help you, but it actually depends on the version you are using. As you see on our forums it works fine and so it should on your side too. But if it will not consider to contact us privately and we will try to investigate the problem.

Author hokic
#5 · Posted: 29 Feb 2008 14:07
Thank you for you offer ;)

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 Search link is wrong when searching by member name?
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