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Sorry! Your file has been failed to upload. File and picture attachments plugin

Author owneroflotek
#1 | Posted: 23 Nov 2013 16:32
Sorry! Your file has been failed to upload. Either it is not allowed to upload files with the following type or size, either such file already exists in the specified folder; either there was an internal server error. Please, try again.

Upload a File

I bought this. really difficult to install, once I figured out what was needed, it worked for about an hour and then when I done all of the right things and read what was written in bb_plugins.php and enabled all of the registered users stuff it stopped working...
I'm running 3.0.3

And now my entire forum is inaccessible for some reason, related to this plugin!


Why isnt the documentation more verbose!!!

Author owneroflotek
#2 | Posted: 23 Nov 2013 16:40
I've removed the code, hopefully this resurrects my forum.

Will try a reinstall of it again at some later point.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 | Posted: 23 Nov 2013 21:53
For File attachments plugin, you can use the Compiler and compile the package already coming up with this add-on in.

There may be some difficulties with this add-on if you upload from Google Chrome. Chrome appears to be not secured enough to handle .zip files, which are considered as "application/octet-stream", not "application/zip".

If you are in doubt, you can skip losing lots of time and refer to our paid support.
Installation of the add-on could be in just $6 dollars range, but then you will be sure it's working and configured properly.

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 Sorry! Your file has been failed to upload. File and picture attachments plugin
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