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User pofile picture galleries protected by (another) password

Author lukasvodicka
#1 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 04:14
Hi Paul,

this is feedback from members of forum on plastic surgery . A) The ladies woud want their pictures in galleries be protected by another password.

We dont show pictures to guests but it is actually very easy to register and have access to those sensitive pictures (of breasts, tummies, etc... before and after operation).

B) Another option would be to show galleries only to those members that have already met certain minimum number of posts (kind of "goal").

Simply put we dont want the galleries to be accessible to "members" that have just registered and I personally prefer the option B) but only after I learn your opinion I will discuss everething with the members and we would decide.

It might be paid work, it may be upgrade of the paid plugin...

So, what is possible and what is not?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 05:44
Everything is possible, but so far we have no plans in extending the premium add-ons by our own will, so every new suggestion like that appears a paid work. You could invest in the add-on and we could work on it releasing to the premium community.

"B" is not difficult to implement and could cost approx. 2 hours of work. "A" is under discussion because for me it seems not very clear of how to implement it and what for. We are speaking here about kind of extra protection and this protection either should use existing forum algorithm (like "B") either it should use kind of new addition to the code. Maybe it could be kind of premium membership, i.e. those pictures will be available only to special members or something like this.

Author lukasvodicka
#3 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 06:16
Thank you Paul for your quick response.

I absolutely agree that A is not clear - and the communication between members might be quite complicated - they would have to send the access/password to "friends" via private message probably so in fact there is not much point having the gallery there at all. They could use some specialized picture websites like Picasa or Flickr (or local services) with more sophisticated user control over their galleries instead (I know that some of them use it already).

So I would go for B, and understand that this should be defined precisely, so let me discuss it with the ladies first then I will come back and let you know the results, OK?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 25 Mar 2008 08:22
No problem - but please address your custom questions to the private contact. I hope you keep my email address. Contact me when you will be ready to know.

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 User pofile picture galleries protected by (another) password
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