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using links in subtitle of forums - some trouble

Author andreasm
#1 · Posted: 29 Oct 2007 12:00
I used a link in a subitle of a forum. It works fine!

But on all threads in that forum, I see some broken code at the top of the page.

Main page, everything okay (link is

Subpage, broken code "> on top

How can I remove that broken code on threads?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 30 Oct 2007 02:49
It is because this description appears in your TITLE tag.

<meta name="Title" content=" - Forum - powered by <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ">

Author andreasm
#3 · Posted: 30 Oct 2007 12:31
Oh thanks, I'll check this!

EDIT: {$forum_title} works... I made a mistake before.

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 using links in subtitle of forums - some trouble
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