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Using my own database

Author Neverio
#1 · Posted: 25 Mar 2007 09:40
Hi there.

I trying to use my own database to get forum users, but i have a little problem.

When i`m logged in to Admin account, and go to "profil" i get the firs user in my database, thats ok for me.

but i cant login whit my other users, when i try to search for users i get this message when i try to go to the users profil in the forum: "User doesn't exist!"

I hope someone can help me, if you wanted to se whoe i have set it up in my setup_options.php then tell me..

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 28 Mar 2007 10:36
Your message is incompliant with our forum rules. Please do not repeat the postings, else we will ban you.

Your question is custom and related to our paid support, or if you have no budget, try to wait and see if somebody will work free for you.

Author Neverio
#3 · Posted: 28 Mar 2007 10:42

I just ask if SOME ONE know whoe i could get it to work.
The reasom i post it here is becuse i need help, in you web site i can read "Free Support Forums".

So i cant se why i cant post that, i just need 5 min from a person i think..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 28 Mar 2007 13:09
Yes you have such right, that's why your post has not been deleted, but only moved to other forum, which we ourselves do not support. Let's wait and see.

"Free Support Forums" means actually we are answering free all questions that related to our software. But if the problem is not related to the software, specially if it's related to only your own specific question, we're not investigating it free.

You're welcome ;-)

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 Using my own database
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