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What is the latest PHP Version usable

Author wmead
#1 · Posted: 1 Dec 2022 18:42
I read threw the forums and website before posting so this is just for verification before upgrading my install to a new server.

Is php7.4 the latest usage version with minibb and all the premium plugins if so what is the time frame for 8.x.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 3 Dec 2022 11:26
PHP 7.x is just the version most recently reported by our customers. As you may know, busy people could use the older version also because of not willing to bring changes to their websites such as often as server-side software comes to upgrades.

I think miniBB could also easily run on PHP 8.x since there is no object-oriented code or something specific inside. When studying what's changed in PHP 8.x, I didn't note something extreme that should affect miniBB's code. The same about add-ons.

At least you could try it out and report if something doesn't work on PHP 8.x — I could quickly fix it.

Author Samanta Fox
#3 · Posted: 12 Dec 2022 14:29
The latest stable version of PHP is 7.4.7, released on April 7, 2021.

It is recommended to always use the latest version of PHP for security and performance reasons.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 13 Dec 2022 16:51
Samanta Fox:
The latest stable version of PHP is 7.4.7, released on April 7, 2021.
If we are about PHP 7.x series, then yes, it's actually the most recently stable version of these series. But I suppose, in 2023 it will be discontinued, and PHP 8.x series will be claimed as stable.

So, the most recent stable version is 8.2.0 as of today (released on December 8th, 2022).

As to remark, any PHP's version lifecycle usually is up to 2-3 years.

Author wmead
#5 · Posted: 25 Dec 2022 21:18
Yes php has been updated and upgraded as a language at lighting speed.

I love the speed improvements that came with php 7x and 8x well its even nicer by speed alone.

Not even getting into security and modern standards that have improved.

Love this software its a labor of love and its amazing.

Author Kingsman
#6 · Posted: 12 Jan 2023 18:03
I have setup minibb on the server having PHP 8 and so far didn't find issues. But I don't have add-ons that much, having the closed board just for certain club of fans just for written conversations and infos. I have purchased the cheapest shared host option cause we don't have that much traffic, but still I am surprised how speedy fast this software is. So far love the simplicity. But one suggestion to devs: making sort of mobile notifications available would make it LUXE. Email notifications are not that top.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 15 Jan 2023 19:12
But one suggestion to devs: making sort of mobile notifications available would make it LUXE. Email notifications are not that top.
I was thinking about this many times and it truly would be the top option. However it leads to many difficulties, as whatever installed on your smartphone, is done by yourself.

It should be an app, and obviously a free app (available in Google Playmarket or Apple Store as such), that means, I have to learn up lot of new things to code it from scratch, and think of the principles of how it would get the new content and how to display it. Possibly it could be connected to the RSS feed, or maybe to some absolutely new file, which could be created on the forum specifically for this app...

So, it looks like a small tiny feature, but in result, it means a different software, other than I could code in PHP/mySQL.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 7 Feb 2023 19:40
While working out miniBB 3.5.1, I've discovered this in my records:

setup_mysqli.php — PHP 8.1 issue — replace this:

to this:

$qsb=substr_count($uniV2, '.');
if($qsb>0) $q=''; else $q="'";
Will be included in the updated package soon.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 9 Feb 2023 18:45
Yes another PHP 8.1 and perhaps 8.x found in bb_func_txt.php. The code line:

$str=preg_split($splitExpression, $fragment, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
should be replaced to:

$str=preg_split($splitExpression, $fragment, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

Author wmead
#10 · Posted: 28 Feb 2023 10:16
Sorry for the late reply i have been working a lot more recently,

I made changes and updated the locations listed and i plan on posting a list of typos and other updates if you want? There are typos on the website after reading threw it as well as the ones i mentioned in the email yesterday.

If you would like me to compile a list of pages and source that require very small fixes i can?

I assume you are much busier than i am normally but as of right now been working over 14 days in a row and soon be a a total of 20 so hopefully what i have typed makes sense.

Kinda enjoying being busy though so if you need small tidbits of help i can be of service when i am not busy and i don't cost a penny :D

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 28 Feb 2023 14:39
If you would like me to compile a list of pages and source that require very small fixes i can?
Sure. I would appreciate your help in bug-fixing miniBB. Yes, please compile the list of what you discovered and email it to me.

Right these days I'm working out the updated version of miniBB, so fixing it altogether would be right in time.

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 What is the latest PHP Version usable
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