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wrong page

Author digitalchaos
#1 · Posted: 5 Mar 2007 17:41
I have installed bb i can go to install.php ok and everything goes well to that point but when i try to go to forums or admin page it says page not found with that said when i click on either link it looks for www.mypage .com it should look for without www thought it would be in setup.php but could not find prop.

here is the code.


$sitename=(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])?$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].' ':'').' community built on miniBB';
//$sitename='Community build on miniBB';
$userRegName='_A-Za-z0-9 ';




$dateFormat='j F Y H:i';


/* New options for miniBB 1.1 */

$disallowNames=array('Anonymous', 'Fuck', 'Shit');
//$disallowNamesIndex=array('admin'); // 2.0 RC1f

/* New options for miniBB 1.2 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.3 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.5 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.6 */

/* New options for miniBB 1.7 */

/* New options for miniBB 2.0 */

$dbUserDate='user_regdate'; $dbUserDateKey=2;



as you can see main url is set to '' which is correct
and $pathToFiles='./'; have not been changed could this be prop?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 6 Mar 2007 03:09
Be sure you are editing setup_options.php at the proper place (not sure if your FTP configuration is valid). If you check the source code of your page, EVERYWHERE this URL appears to be set with 'www'. Like

<link href=" css" type="text/css" rel="STYLESHEET" />

<a href="">

etc. It only means you've set up it improperly in setup_options.php

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 wrong page
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