Well, I'm really surprised to hear that we need to improve something after we did improving during at least 6 months of developing :-)
You don't have to be a "handy webmaster" to change the width of your forums. It's changed through CSS in a minute. Or even 30 seconds. Just look up by 'width' and change the first
two occurrences.
We never recommend to apply the default skin to your own forums. miniBB is created to support custom solutions. If your board is custom, if it's different from others by look, you have more chances to make it popular and cute. When I visit boards having standard vBulletin or phpBB or even miniBB look, I feel shame.
We need our default board wide because not each user on this planet has 24'' monitor. Probably half of the market are now laptops. Making the width as large as possible provides the excellent view of the board on mini-computers. It's
miniBB. We are oriented on large markets by default.
You can
download the skin from miniBB demo page and apply it to your forums, that way making the fixed width. You could even try on the same demo the "
ultra-mini" skin. It provides 600 pixels width for the forums.
Saying "the old version was better" I think you just don't get the idea the software is still the same as earlier. Now it could have a wider look, or it could look thin. It could look different. That's what we would like to pay your attention to.