Hello Ivan,
Enn-Ry-RRy, you, too, could show more respect registering and presenting yourself instead wanting respect as anonimous.
To make this clear, I either go by RRy or Ry, As for Enn that would be my roommate, That I have shown this topic to and She wish to add her own feedback. As for respect, I have tones for this group of individuals that have created this product, my post have been friendly, respectful, and on topic. Registering doesn't create respect, the forum allows Guest to post their thoughts and feedback, as for myself why would I wish to go though the hassle of registering, as I only wish to post Suggestions, to help improve their product.
"Google has some thing and I want you, too, to have it" is not a reason to do/make it.
Like I said above: "I am not saying it has to be all fancy with bells and whistles like "hotmail" or "gmails", the main concept of it will help Force users to be smarter about what they use for a password. Stopping people from using such passwords like birthdays, girlfriend's name, pet's names, etc."
As per the passwords you are absolutely right! So, the easiest way for you will be, by my modest opinion, simply to add a remark to your registration form:
Thank you, hoping others will take this into consideration.
Please don't choose your girlfriend's name as password! Use the word "Popocatepetl" instead!
I do Not appreciate your sarcastic remarks. you speak of respect at the start of your post, yet you show me very little. Also please do not make assumptions without knowing the facts. |