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 Your impressions and wishes

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Author Anonymous
#91 · Posted: 24 Dec 2004 10:29
you should consider rewriting miniBB. i've not seen many programs written such confusing code. i'm currently work to get this thing integrated in a portal and have to do workarounds for all the login stuff of minibb. minibb is nice, cause it's very lightweight.

but the coding-style makes me crying. you should also use a code beautifier before releasing such a thing.


We are coding the way we like it, you can do the same.
miniBB Team

Author Anonymous
#92 · Posted: 16 Dec 2004 05:47
Small, Easy and just the perfect thing for 'just to discuss some questions'

Great job, keep it small.

Author Anonymous
#93 · Posted: 15 Dec 2004 14:21
There's so much to say about how much I love this I'm just going to sum it up in one word: Wow.

Author z5_
#94 · Posted: 13 Nov 2004 12:47
my views after installing and using it for a couple of weeks:

- easy to install
- very fast!!
- very simple and small, yet powerfull
- has nearly everything that a forum should have
- good old fashioned solid html code (instead of new things like dhtml,...)

- some layout issues, which have all been corrected in minibb2 (the registration page for example)
- i really miss a preview function (to check if links and bbcode is correct, spelling mistakes, ...). This would be very handy and have no effect on speed.
- maybe a small text saying when a topic was edited and by who
- better quote system (including the author name from who the text was quoted)
- having the ability to include the last discussions in any page (like the miniBB2 home page includer) because the last news add-on is a bit too limited).
- maybe avatars (but not necessary)

All in all, i love it :)

Thanks, and:

- there is a plugin for previewing posts;
- when you edit the post, the name of editor APPEARS (not time - we find it not necessary to display the time, since posts could not be edited after some time anyway)
- Clicking on Member name, you'll get author name in Quote, if you need it
- We'll think about last discussions
- Avatars plugin is planned, with new miniBB2 it should be more easy

miniBB Team

Author Boris
#95 · Posted: 12 Nov 2004 21:47
miniBB is not only small, but it is really nice! Never seen such board being so small and nice at the same time!


Author Tim
#96 · Posted: 17 Oct 2004 04:48
This is a great forum.
I'm glad I looked at all the options before I installed one. Fast, light and very easy to modify. Congratulations.

Author Anonymous
#97 · Posted: 19 Sep 2004 18:24
I just put miniBB on my site; it was much smaller, faster, and less bulky than the more full-featured alternatives, and it was MUCH more customizable. Within about 4 hours' time, I was able to customize the heck out of it and integrate it into the overall look and feel of my site.

Very nice!

Author Anonymous
#98 · Posted: 5 Aug 2004 02:59
Someone designed a simple template for 4images AND minibb so that they fit flawlessly together. So cool. I only added a memberlist, preview for threads smilies and avatar capability(minimal). It's awesome! Thanks so much for a great program! :)


Author Guniw
#99 · Posted: 21 Jul 2004 10:40
I'm in love with this forum. I love the overall simplicity, style and setup. While I'm thinking of going the way of including avatars (small), despite taking away from the base concept of the board, this particular forum defines itself in other ways. It stands out above all others imho. Thanks for the best board ever, with the cleanliness and simplicity I thrive on in design.

Author Anonymous
#100 · Posted: 15 Jul 2004 20:27
We've been using miniBB to power our site for about 2 years now. We're a group of student computer technicians who work at different schools and need to communicate with one another.

We'd like to put in that the forums run beautifully. We like the security method which allows us to put a password in place before a user can even see the forums.

The site responds extremely quickly, which is a good thing, as some of us are behind extremely slow connections. We have even managed to integrate our other content into miniBB, making miniBB the central hub of our site.

Once again, thanks.

Author Nisse Husberg
#101 · Posted: 14 Jun 2004 22:40
I really like it. We have been using it for a few years already and it is much better than other forums.


Author Gaaz
#102 · Posted: 13 Jun 2004 02:10
MiniBB seems excellent so far. I really like its lean approach and speed which suits my site a lot. Others like Invision Power and Ultimate this and Yabb that are too bloated. I think MiniBB's approach is the right one and very well written.

My only request: Please keep MiniBB fast and lean and don't add loads of silly nonsense like Avatars etc other than as plug-ins.

Author Wife
#103 · Posted: 7 Jun 2004 10:43
I luv u :)

Author Josh McGilberry
#104 · Posted: 30 May 2004 20:58
I am somewhat of a programmer and I was looking into modifying a forum to control an entire site, not just the forums.

Every other forum software I looked at was overcomplexed with junk that most people don't use.

I was on the verge of writing my own forum software that could be adapted to any design I wanted when I found minibb! Very straight forward, easy to understand code, easy to modify -- THANKS!

Author Chell
#105 · Posted: 12 May 2004 06:09
I searched high and low for an unbloated script that would fit my site rather than my site having to fit the board. Thought the only answer would be for this non-php-genius to try and piece a new board together. Thank you for saving me and my visitors this sort of trouble- lol!

Minibb absolutely rocks! No problem setting it up, it's tiny but with enough features to be comfy. Perfect. :-)

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