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Author steve
#106 · Posted: 30 Apr 2004 17:13
Really great script, you can see what all is possible within: The Art of Haiku

Greetings from Hamburg

Author Diane
#107 · Posted: 8 Apr 2004 05:49
I've had my miniBB forum out there for a few weeks now. It appears to be well received, and I'm getting more posts that I used to before. I run a small community website just for the fun of it about hiking in Santa Barbara. MiniBB is just the right size and not too fancy. It won't scare away my visitors with overkill, yet it looks and acts like any top-quality board out there. I was able to get it to look like all the rest of my site (hey, I'm no graphic designer!), and be XHTML transitional with only a few days work, too!

It seems that everybody wants all sorts of fancy systems, but I truly value the simple solution. Thanks for the hard work you put in!

P.S. You may wish to look for a native English-speaker to touch up your FAQ.

Author Marco
#108 · Posted: 29 Mar 2004 15:46
MiniBB is simply WONDERFULL !!!

I've been trying all kind of forums for MONTHS now, and none is easier to configure and to use, and none is faster thant MiniBB.

Of course, there are a few things that you can't do with it - like sending messages - but hey! Who needs to do that anyway! Just use your email...

Keep up the good work! Keep it as simple and souple as it is now!

Thanx again.

Author cool guy
#109 · Posted: 24 Mar 2004 21:34
Good forum!! love it yay!! :)))

Author anatman
#110 · Posted: 21 Mar 2004 14:37
I found miniBB easy to install, easy to adapt to my native language (no grafic buttons, that's so very nice), and of course small and fast. After trying 3 "big" boards locally, i decided for miniBB for my small-traffic (hopefully not for long) website.

A big thank you to the Team!

Two suggestions that might help it spread and become even more popular: 1) better support for BBcode, i have seen this asked for in some miniBB powered foruns i go to; 2) if possible more robust plugins (like direct email for example, lacks a few options like 'only ofr registered users')

Author link92
#111 · Posted: 19 Mar 2004 00:55
I like it because with anything more complicated I wouldn't be able to insert it as if it was just another part of my site.

Author OZtwo
#112 · Posted: 23 Dec 2003 19:04
No, this is the format we are using also in developing, we are "matrix" guys :)

wow, ok, I was guessing you used some sort of custom 'compiler'. :) In my WordPerfect 5.1 DOS days, I had some cool macro compilers. :) I saw it as if someone wanted to copy my code, they had to work hard to figure out what it was. :) With that, I don't see any reason for you to format your code.

The Master Job Hunter

Author aurora
#113 · Posted: 23 Dec 2003 12:25
I am just wondering, what to "clean up" more - maybe you can offer some practical example?..

sorry, i had not have time to get back an this yesterday. also i thought it is unfair to complain without beeing a registered user. now i have registered, and can continue on what are some of the main points of what i ment: again sorry for my harsh words, this wasn't really nice from me and it's not my intention to flame on you or minibb.

first of all: you should really think of formatting your source-code. i checked it with several editors, to be really sure that there's nothing going wrong at me - i could not believe that you did not do any indenting at all.

2.: DB_query(arg1,arg2) might be a timesafing function for you, who know what the source-code does. for any other, who wants to learn what's happening, it's very hard do overlook, what's going on - you should at least use constants for the first parameter instead of just numbers, especially as you're using tons of global variables inside this function.

3.: i've never seen true/false in the code (as i rembember at the moment) but always 0/1 - that might be a matter of taste of course.

4.: there are in my opinion some design-issues, for example: on the one hand you use logged_admin = true/false to identify an admin in minibb but on the other hand you set the user_id explicit to 1, when the admin is posting in the forum.

that might be no problem with minibb itself, cause there's only one admin allowed. i'm currently working to combine minibb with an other project at and in the image-database we have other user-levels with more than one admin allowed. i removed this user_id = 1 and it seems to work, but it isn't very well tested, yet.

please keep in mind: it's not on flaming, but on making live easier for other developers like me :-)


Author Team
#114 · Posted: 23 Dec 2003 10:33
No, this is the format we are using also in developing, we are "matrix" guys :) No indenting done from the very beginning.

Author OZtwo
#115 · Posted: 22 Dec 2003 19:06
'Clean up' really only means putting the code back to readable format. I haven't done any code changes, other than little add-ons here and there. I'm only guessing here, but your published format isn't the same as your 'source code' format? :)

I think I have emailed you all changes I have made.

The Master Job Hunter.

Author Team
#116 · Posted: 22 Dec 2003 10:28
I am just wondering, what to "clean up" more - maybe you can offer some practical example?..

Author Anonymous
#117 · Posted: 22 Dec 2003 02:43
sorry for my harsh words :-( - it was my first reaction when looking at the code and getting it integrated in another project. it's true that minibb is one of the better bbs' - otherwise i wouldn't try to use it ;-). though i still think the code should be cleaned up a bit it one of it's future versions.

Author OZtwo
#118 · Posted: 21 Dec 2003 21:01

sorry, but you should consider rewriting miniBB. i've not seen many programs written such confusing code. i'm currently work to get this thing integrated in a portal and have to do workarounds for all the login stuff of minibb. minibb is nice, cause it's very lightweight.

When I was working with mmBB to integrate it into I as well thought the same, but at the same time understood why they coded it in such a way. Once you look at the code for many hours, it really isn't all that hard to work with. I picked mmBB for the power and easy in which I could custimize it to fit my needs. They have done a great job. I spent many days searching for a perfect Message Board and out of all I found, mmBB was my first choice.

The Master Job Hunter

Author Anonymous
#119 · Posted: 21 Dec 2003 20:44
sorry, but you should consider rewriting miniBB. i've not seen many programs written such confusing code. i'm currently work to get this thing integrated in a portal and have to do workarounds for all the login stuff of minibb. minibb is nice, cause it's very lightweight.

but the coding-style makes me crying. you should also use a code beautifier before releasing such a thing.

Author Team
#120 · Posted: 13 Dec 2003 18:00
no way :) we won't overload it with features :) we only have necessary and most useful ones in our default installation. you can add lots of additonal features though to the default board installation by adding plugins

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