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Paid Support

Installing and maintaining miniBB's functional core requires the professional level of experience and education. For those who prefer to save their time and money on what they are not experienced with, we offer an ultimate paid support of our product. In opposite to many other free projects, we don't ask for donations... preferring to work. When you purchase our service, you pay not only for the job completed in a quick term, with 100% branding warranty, at the lowest cost possible, by the qualified professionals which are actually miniBB authors - you also help to analyze and improve miniBB project, keeping it fully independant. That way you actually pay to the huge community of miniBB users, and definitely, some other way you will be paid back later.

Are you valuing your time?

Here come our primary support plans:

Installation service for the basic miniBB packagefrom US $20 1
Installation service for any of the distributed add-onsUS $6/add-on 2
Customization of the forums Layoutfrom US $60 3
Synchronizing forums with the external members databasefrom US $80 4
Upgrading forums from the older to the recent versionfrom US $60 5
Other kind of custom work, consulting services, investigation and solving of custom problemsUS $30/hour 6

Each custom case is different. That's why we do not charge in advance and do not have pre-paid services available. We prefer to discuss everything with you by email first, so if you are interested in hiring miniBB team, describe your task and get a quote emailing us.

All our services are bought from our authorized retailer, 2checkout. There it's possible for you to pay by any major credit card or PayPal®. You will need to pay our invoice sent on your email address, only after we fully completed the job, and you've accepted it's done. We are trying to build a trustful business with all of our customers, the same trust we hope to receive from you, meaning we will look for a fast payment covering a fast work. We give the warranty of our Trademark that we provide the honest, qualified, experienced, secured and reliable remote service, keeping all of your data in the strict confidence.

1 Includes installation of the basic package offered in our Downloads section, setting up the database and basic configuration which lets the forums work. Choose this plan if you have troubles installing miniBB or don't know where to start. You'll need to provide us temporary access of your FTP server, also as database (mySQL) host, login and password information, or access to some server administering tool like cPanel. We guarantee that your data will be kept in confidence. You can change all passwords since the software is installed. Completion time - about 40 minutes.

2 Includes installation of any kind of add-on offered in our Downloads or Paid Add-ons. Depending on the customization level of the forum, fees may vary.

3 Includes setting up the colors, fonts and optionally header and footer HTML similar to your current webpage, which lets the bulletin board looking like the obvious part of your site. Completion time - about 1 business day.

4 Includes integration with your current users table, so members will be logged on forums automatically when logged in on the main site and otherwise. miniBB will only refer to your existing users table, so there will be no need to duplicate the membership data. Few miniBB-related fields will be added to your table, and miniBB's authorization module will be adopted to the existing login process. It is possible to synchronize miniBB that way with almost any kind of 3rd party software. All works can be performed live on your server only. Completion time - about 1 business day.

5 It is always important to have the latest release of the software installed not only because previous versions may work slower, contain critical bugs or security issues, but also because we are always supporting only the latest version. Many add-ons, both free and paid, may be compatible only with the latest release. If you have miniBB version older than current release, and have difficulties in moving to the newest version, we are always ready to help you. Completion time - about 1 business day.

6 If you need to implement kind of unique feature or add-on for your miniBB forums which was not developed before, we are ready to work for such rate provided. Please note that we will charge our hourly rate for any custom task. We are always opened for negotiations and could provide discounts regarding our work. Such rate is also taking place if you have kind of custom problem or question. If you think your problem is not custom and is related to a common miniBB issue, please post it on our community forums first.

Fees above may vary accordingly to the difficulty level.

We not provide any support related to the server's OS, PHP and/or mySQL installation. Discuss these questions on our forums, or better contact your ISP for details.

We do not provide forum hosting services.

Get more answers by filling our contact form. Please, provide your valid working e-mail address, where we could send our reply - make sure your email works!

Forum owners about miniBB:
I tried lots of script before starting up my forum. I can say is the best script minibb is very easy to configure for novice programmers and has interesting and effective anti-spam options. Another option that should not forget and forget the most important is that this script is very friendly Seo contributing to the success of our forum. Congratulations to the team minibb.
as written by...José, Spain
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